Antenna catfish (Ancistrus sp.) are useful algae eaters for aquariums from 80 cm edge length. They Antenna catfish (Ancistrus sp.) are useful algae eaters for aquariums from 80 cm edge length. They remove algae and biofilm from hard substrates and glass panes relentlessly. As bottom-dwelling fish they require almost no swimming space, but hideout caves such as the Catfish Amphora are readily used.The easy care Anubias barteri var. nana decorates the handmade clay cave in a natural way. If the catfish are not fed enough, they also rasp off aquarium plants, preferably Echinodorus leaves, which is then often but falsely declared as plant disease. However, this is a clear symptom of low feeding. Tip: You can prevent feeding damage to the leaves with green food in tablet form or blanched fresh vegetables.
Show us a picture of your Anubias nana by posting it on Instagram with #AnubiasDennerlePlants and get reposted if you are lucky!
Colourful stem plant
for the background
in-vitro cup
Hard-leaved rhizome plant
On Coco Cave wood 9x9x12cm
Popular and undemanding moss
In-vitro cup
Flat growing stem plant
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