In 2014, Italian plant-lover Massimo Iannella selected some interestingly colored stems from a patch of Rotala rotundifolia ‘Colorata‘ and propagated the striking orange shoots. This new variety displays a wonderful orangey-red color in the aquarium, and has been given the evocative name ‘Orange Juice‘. As with many aquarium plants that are cultivated above water, its true beauty only becomes apparent in the aquarium. Strong lighting creates an unbelievable color spectrum.
Show us a picture of your Rotala rotundifolia 'Orange Juice' by posting it on Instagram with #RotalaDennerlePlants and get reposted if you are lucky!
Red-brown stem plant for the background
In the clay ring
Good growing stem plant in In-Vitro Cup
Round-leaved, delicate stem plant for the middle ground
In a pot
Red stem plant for the background
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