This Bucephalandra was one of the first imported varieties from West Kalimantan, the Indonesian part of Borneo. The variety name refers to its origin in the Serimbu region. According to more recent knowledge, this beauty probably belongs to the Bucephalandra pygmaea group. Its leaves are narrowly elliptical; depending on the lighting, their color can vary from dark olive green to reddish brown. Like the genus Anubias and Cryptocoryne, Bucephalandra belong to the arum family. Every now and then, you can observe their typical inflorescences under water.
Show us a picture of your Bucephalandra sp. 'Serimbu Brown" by posting it on Instagram with #BucephalandraDennerlePlants and get reposted if you are lucky!
Green and white rhizome plant for the foreground
In a pot
Slow growing fern with intense green leaves
Slow growing stem for the foreground
Hard-leaved rhizome plant
On wood with sucker 15x5x11cm
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