Bacopa salzmannii 'Purple' is a new beauty among the coloured aquarium plants. The submerged leaves are intensely dark purple in colour and oval with a size of up to 2 cm. The new fatty leaf plant is quite easy to care for and rather slow growing. Medium to strong lighting is recommended, as well as a good supply of nutrients and of course, sufficient CO2. Bacopa salzmannii 'Puple' is well suited to a variety of set-up styles, e.g. in Holland aquariums or for aquascaping aquariums. The emerse use in a Wabi Kusa is certainly also interesting.
Show Yours!
Show us a picture of your Bacopa salzmannii 'Purple' by posting it on Instagram with #BacopaDennerlePlants and get reposted if you are lucky!
Very small hairgrass for the foreground
In-vitro cup
Plant with strong wavy leaves
Tuber with shoots
Finely feathered stem plant for the background
In a clay ring
Delicate moss for the foreground
In-Vitro Cup
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